Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I know what we're going to do today!

We're going to have a Phineas and Ferb themed lunch!
I have reached a new height of geekery.
Our family loves Phinaes and Ferb to a very high degree. I think that if Netflix were to keep track of our most watched shows on streaming, P&F would rank at the very top, no contest. It is the kids' favorite, and the Dude and I like it, too. The show is funny, entertaining, and even sweet. The big kids like it, the little kids like it, the grown ups like it. Very few things have such universal appeal around here! It was really pretty much inevitable that I would make a P&F themed lunch, and you can bet there will be more of them in the future!
Tomorrow is story hour at the library and if the weather is nice I'll take Beaker to the park for a picnic afterward. If the weather isn't nice (a very likely possibility this time of year in the PNW) he will have his lunch on the covered bench outside the library, or just bring it home and eat here.
Beaker is having a "fee-ferd" (what Beaker has called Phineas and Ferb ever since he learned to talk) Phineas shaped ham and cheese sandwich with carrot and celery sticks with ranch, oyster crackers, a few green grapes, and a pair of mini chocolate chip cookies. He has been on a "Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension" kick lately. He asks to watch it all day, every day. I think he is going to be happily surprised to see Phineas in his lunch box! Beaker's lunch is packed in a $1 small container from the dollar bin at Target.
For Princess I packed a similar Phineas ham and cheese sandwich. She also has oyster crackers, peeled mandarin orange wedges, and 2 mini chocolate chip cookies with small cherry tomatoes from the garden tucked in to keep everything from shifting. I packed in a small caesar salad and some grapes and a pack of fruit snacks, too. Yesterday she bought her lunch at school and was hungry when she got home, so today I want to make sure she has plenty packed up. Her lunch is packed in an Easy Lunchbox.

"Hey, where's Perry?"

"There you are, Perry!"

Phineas is seriously easy to make. His head is just a triangle with a mouth cut in, a bit of orange hair, eyes, and ears. It was easy to cut the crusts off a sandwich and cut it in half, then cut in a triangle wedge mouth, stick on a candy eye, a bit of crust for the ear, and cut a carrot for hair. Of course, he isn't perfect by any means, but Princess will recognize him and that's what makes me happy! I can't take full credit for the idea. I saw something similar on Pinterest a while back and attempted to recreate it myself.
I made a big pot of clam chowder for dinner and Brick and Bean both wanted to take leftovers for lunch. Both like salad with soup, so I packed Brick a side salad with crumbled bacon, carrot and cucumber bits, caesar dressing, and oyster crackers. I think this dish came with one of our insulated lunch bags.
For Bean, I packed up a small salad similar to the one for Brick, also with oyster crackers and also with peeled mandarin orange wedges. Bean's meal is packed into a sandwich box from the dollar bin at Target. Bean and Brick will both also have a Thermos full of hot chowder and a tiny tube of malt vinegar to add.
Now, go watch Phineas and Ferb!

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