Friday, April 26, 2013

Super Simple Lunches

Just some quick simple lunches from a day of errand running and one for school from earlier in the week!

Bean's lunch: turkey-cheese rolls, pears, a clementine, a cookie, and some peace sign pretzels with Laughing Cow cheese.

Princess requested a certain kind of roll from the grocery store, so she and I split that, plus we had these little dishes on the side. I have spicy cheese with Van's mutigrain crackers, a clementine, and pear chunks. She has pear chunks, a clementine, mild cheese with Van's multigrain crackers, and a half cookie.

For Beaker, ham-cheese rolls with a peeled clementine, a few snap peas cut in half, and some potato-veggie chips. He also has some pears, an EnjoyLife cookie, and some Ener-G pretzel rings.

We're getting this allergy thing down pat!

And proof that not every lunch I pack is fun or cute! This is a pretty simple lunch that took about five minutes to pack. 

Bean has a turkey and cheese sandwich with lettuce and mustard on Udi's allergy safe bread, a handful of kettle chips, a few baby dill pickles, and a fruit mix of grapes and cantaloupe balls.

And now for something completely different...

Here is a picture of Beaker with a bird on his head.

And Princess with a mustache!

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  1. Simple lunches, but beautiful! Love the pinwheels, and the pictures of the kiddos are fantastic!
