Sunday, June 23, 2013

"C" You at the Beach!

Woo! We are all officially done with school for the 2012-13 school year! The Dude and I finished with finals on Thursday, which was also Beaker's last day of preschool. Summer term at the college doesn't start until mid-July, so we're enjoying a few weeks of summer break right now. Days spent in the garden, at the park, and deep cleaning the house, nights spent playing card games together or gathered around the fire pit in the backyard roasting hot dogs and marshmallows. I love summer!

For Beaker's last day of preschool, I packed up a beachy C-themed lunch. All of the foods in this lunch start with the letter C. And it's also an allergy safe lunch, free of most of the top 7 allergens!

He has cucumber and carrot slices, cantaloupe balls with cranberry bits under a beach umbrella, crackers, cheese cubes, a chocolate cookie, and summery skewers of Canadian bacon.

On the last day of school I grabbed my camera and had the girls stop in the front yard before heading up to the school. They've both grown so much this year!

Bean started the year as a 9 year old new 4th grader at the elementary school. She ended the year as a 10 year old rising to 5th grade at the middle school! She still doesn't love having to stop to have her picture taken:

Princess was a 6 year old brand new 1st grader in September. She was still missing two front teeth from an accident when she was 3 (she fell face-first into a wood floor with a pacifier in her mouth, resulting in her first - and hopefully only - injury visit to the ER). She finished out the school year in June as a 7 year old heading in to 2nd grade, with two newly grown teeth filling in the gap:

None of the boys would let me take their picture, so imagine Brick a couple of inches taller and G-man with a different haircut. G is moving up to 7th grade and Brick is heading off to the high school as a freshman next year! Beaker's birthday is tomorrow, so stay tuned for a new pic or two of him.

We have had a fabulous, fun, fantastic year and we're looking forward to an even better year in 2013-14!

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