Friday, January 31, 2014

It's Super Bowl Weekend

Our whole state is buzzing in excitement. The Seahawks are in the Super Bowl!

The Dude has been a Seahawks fan practically since birth. He grew up in the Seattle area and has always been a big football fan, so of course he eats, sleeps, and breathes Seahawks from August through February. He is thrilled that they are going to the biggest game of the year!

I made him this lunch after they won the last playoff game.

He has a roast beef football shaped sandwich with Scrabble Cheez-It letters cheering on his favorite team. He also has football cookies and some grapes, which are sort of football-ish shaped, if you squint a bit.

Now it's your turn! We want to see all of your sports themed bentos! Link them up below:

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1 comment:

  1. We are going to watch Super Bowl aswell (from Sweden) :-)
